Summary - aims of the project

The project “Innovations of Methods for Assessment of Existing Structures” has been aimed at development, implementation and distribution of methods for assessment of existing structures (including panel houses and historical objects). The procedures developed are based on the principles of ISO 13822 “Assessment of existing structures”.

The project has been supported by the European Social Fund and by the state budget of the Czech Republic within the framework of the Single Programming Document for NUTS 2 Objective 3 Prague, Priority 4 Adaptability and Entrepreneurship.

Partners involved in the project development:

Key activities of the project:

For more details, please e-mail to the coordinator of the project Mr. Sykora

Projekt vznikl s podporou Evropského sociálního fondu
Ministerstva práce a sociálních věcí ČR

Řešitel: Kloknerův ústav ČVUT

Konstrukce Media Publishing